Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Adventures || In Snowboarding

So I've been slacking on posting regularly, for this I apologize.  I'll be better about this, I promise!

It's hard to believe that despite having lived in some great places for snowboarding, including Germany and the PNW, I've never been snowboarding.  That is, at least, until this past February.  Josh and I were given a giftcard to Snow Bowl for Christmas from his mom and her boyfriend, so we decided to take a couple days off work and head up north, Ricky Ricardo in tow!

Josh has never been to Flagstaff so this was a first for him.  I've been a couple times so I knew of a couple spots I wanted to take him.  But before we could do anything, including checking into our hotel, we had to see the snow!  Had we gone a couple weeks earlier or even a couple weeks later, we would have had fresh snow.  Instead, we settled for some man made powder but that was good enough for us!  Ricky even got to walk around on the foreign substance but I don't think he really cared too much for it.  After seeing (what we could of) the mountain, I was equal parts excited and nervous for my snowboarding debut the next day!

The great thing about this trip was that we only had two goals: 1) relax and 2) snowboard.  This made for a great trip since we accomplished both.  We stayed at a great hotel that not only allowed dogs, but they had a great dinner and breakfast buffet which saved us a bit.  One breakfast I couldn't give up and one I had daydreamed about since I last visited, was the waffle and fresh fruit from Macy's.  It didn't disappoint, neither did Josh's biscuits and gravy.  We figured if we were going to be on the mountain all day, we may as well fuel up well.

So then there's the snowboarding...I wish I could say I Shaun White'd it up out there but I was not so smooth!  I don't profess to be the most graceful person and my mom will vouch for that and liken my grace (or lack thereof) to one Gilda Radner.  So there's that visual! In fact, I managed to give myself a concussion from a face plant that kept me sequestered to the car after lunch since I couldn't manage to stand up right without losing my cookies.  It's a shame because I was really starting to get a hang of the whole "falling leaf" bit and wanted to actually use my lift ticket and break free from the beginners' slope.  Josh, on the other hand, has been boarding before so he ventured on his own for the couple hours until the lifts closed.  We considered going back the next day but decided to head home early instead.

We also debated going to the Grand Canyon since neither of us has been.  Since we plan on going to Snow Bowl again this winter, we figured we'd wait so we wouldn't be rushed to get back home.  All in all this was a great little trip for us and I'm looking forward to more fun getaways soon!