Thursday, July 11, 2013

The First Step

I'm just going to put this out there right now so we can start on an honest foot: I may be a tad (this figure may be underestimated) obsessive compulsive and a bit of a perfectionist.  If I can't do something perfectly, I tend to not do it at all.  I'm also a planner and a control freak.  The first step is admitting you have a problem!

What does this have to do with this blog?  Everything!  I've been saying I was going to launch this blog since probably 2010.  But first I needed to have the perfect background, perfect header, perfect everything.  At this point, I just need to take the first step and let everything else fall into place in time. 

With that off my chest, thanks for stopping by!  I plan to use this little space on the big bad web to entertain my creative soul and document my life's adventures, or misadventures, as they may be.  I also plan to launch my Etsy shop and photography website in the near future and hope writing about it here will help keep me accountable.

A great DIY and a behind the scenes peek of a French e-cookbook photo shoot will make an appearance in the next couple weeks.  I hope you'll come back to visit again soon! 
